Monday, September 04, 2006


The idea for this blog came out on a sunny afternoon in Victoria, BC, when the heroines of your story realised that the magic box over on the desk, which was connected to the Internet, could save them the trouble of scrawling book recommendations on scraps of paper found at the bottom of their purse. Everyone knows that those scraps of paper are never to be found until the ink has become more or less illegible, and the person who owns the bag can't even remember who wrote the note in the first place.

So instead, what their little brains full of post-graduate education mustered up was the idea of starting a group blog, where they could just post about the more notable books they read. They're very smart, you see.

And for the record:
Maryn thinks Audrey should try out Gillian Cross and Robin Hobb.
Audrey thinks Maryn should try out Kelly Link and Haruki Murakami.

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